
Between Climate Neutral and Carbon Neutral

The fight against climate change demands ambitious action, and at Earth Positive, we're committed to doing more than just keeping up. We pushed the boundaries of sustainability by achieving Climate Neutral status, going beyond Carbon Neutral to set a new standard for the fashion industry with our Earth Positive collection.

What's the difference?

You might be asking. While Carbon Neutral aims to balance emitted carbon emissions with removals, Climate Neutral takes a more holistic approach. It acknowledges that various greenhouse gases contribute to climate change, not just carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Here's a breakdown:

  • Carbon Neutral: Focuses solely on CO₂ emissions, aiming to offset emissions with activities like tree planting.
  • Climate Neutral (EarthPositive): Reduces all greenhouse gas emissions below pre-industrial levels, going further than just offsetting current emissions.

This distinction is crucial. The atmosphere needs a natural level of CO₂ to function. The problem arises when excess carbon dioxide overwhelms the ecosystem's ability to absorb it, leading to the greenhouse effect.

Why choose Climate Neutral?

Simply put, Carbon Neutral might not be enough. Critics argue it can be a stopgap solution, relying on offsets that take time to take effect and can be unreliable due to potential overestimation of their impact.

This raises concerns about relying solely on offsets, particularly those involving forest conservation projects. While protecting forests is vital, some projects have been criticized for displacing local communities and exaggerating their actual environmental benefits.

The Earth Positive Solution

At Earth Positive, we've taken a different approach. Through innovative manufacturing processes and material choices, we've reduced our emissions by almost 90%, bringing them down to pre-industrial revolution levels. This significant achievement allows our Earth Positive collection to achieve Climate Neutral status without relying solely on offsets.

We believe this sets a new standard for the fashion industry. It demonstrates the possibility of drastically reducing emissions while ensuring responsible practices throughout the entire supply chain.

As we move forward, we remain committed to continuous improvement, exploring further innovations to minimize our environmental footprint and pave the way for a truly sustainable future for fashion.

Join us on this journey - Choose Earth Positive and be part of the change.

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